Catalogue of fines
The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) and the Moselle Commission have jointly published the 2020 edition of their “Recommendations for uniform fines for infringements of police regulations on the Rhine and the Moselle”, also called “catalogue of fines”.
The former edition dated from 2004 and therefore needed to be updated.
This catalogue is a recommendation to the competent national authorities.
You can find the current version here:

Radiocommunication guide
The legal basis for matters of radiocommunication on the Moselle is the "Handbuch Binnenschifffahrtsfunk / Guide de radiocommunication". This document exists only in German, French and Dutch.
But this document refers also to the Regional Arrangement of Radiocommunication Services for Inland Waterways.
You can find more information about this arrangement on the Website of RAINWAT.

Transport of dangerous goods
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) publishes the main legal text concerning the carriage of dangerous goods in inland navigation: the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN).
The ADN is valid on the Moselle too.
You can find more details about the ADN on the website of the UNECE.

Waste disposal in inland navigation - The Strasbourg Convention (CDNI)
In general, inland navigation is an environmentally friendly transport mode. However, waste is generated on board ships during operation. On 9 September 1996, France, Germany and Luxembourg as well as 3 other countries (Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands) adopted the Convention on the collection, deposit and reception of waste produced during navigation on the Rhine and Inland Waterways (CDNI) which entered into force on 1 November 2009. It is not only applicable to the entire length of the Rhine, all inland waterways in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, but also to the international part of the Moselle in France and Luxembourg:
On theCDNI’s website you will find further information, e.g. about the different types of waste and the electronic payment system (ECO account and ECO card). In addition, user guides can be downloaded and all waste reception stations are shown on a map.
Copyright © 2021 - Sekretariat der Moselkommission, Trier | Impressum
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